Tuesday, April 27, 2004

We had Heidi Baker talk at St Thom's last night, quite crazy, she leads about 500 churches in mozambique. She spoke about the intimacy of God, dieing to ourselves etc.
After she called forward those who are called to be missionaries. As I am now part of the mission order I felt I should go forward, it was an amazing time. I really felt the presence of God, overwelming peace. My body was so rested in His presence it took me quite a while to breathe normally.
I have felt that God is drawing me into him over the last few days, to just be like a son in the heavenly fathers arms. More Lord.
If only I would be more like Jesus that is my heart and that's what this is all about. I hope my faith will increase and I'll see more of God's power released in others lives.
Praise God

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